Jerry sipp AEA
Jerry sipp AEA
Jerry Sipp is an Actor.
He has been featured in over 100 plays and musicals
Starred in the award-winning film “The Hummingbird Kimono”
Appeared in commercials and industrials
Performed in nearly 40 of the 50 states, in Europe, and New York
Thanks for visiting “The #1 Jerry Sipp Website in the World Wide Web!” (OK, it’s the only one.) Enjoy your stay.
In his spare time, Jerry has:
Directed nearly 100 productions
Served as Producing Artistic Director for three theatre organizations
Seen eight of his original scripts produced
Choreographed combat for dozens of shows
Won awards for his romantic comedy, FALLING IN LIKE
But never mind all that.
(unless you’d like to hire him to do those things!)
Jerry Sipp is an Actor.